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They Live There


HOME always calls me back and forth. After a long struggle, I got a tiny room to live when I came to Dhaka from Chittagong for my photography education. I was in that room for couple of months. After my work outside, I always tried to come to my room because I couldn’t stand the outer sphere of Dhaka. My room was my comfort zone, concealing me, hiding me with safety.


Later, I shifted to another big room and after one year, I was able to rent a flat; since then I am staying there. And, I still remember my first room, my first home in Dhaka. I never could take photos of that room from outside as it was surrounded by many other rooms inside a building.


I am always fascinated by the places people live, like the photos in this series. Once, I was walking through the riverside area to take photos. And, I was stunned seeing the makeshift houses people built there with strange and complicated shapes and dimension.

These makeshift houses frequently come to the newspapers because of fire incidents, evictions by authority etc. No matter what happens, people start again to build houses to live in.


I am portraying these houses; the houses call their inhabitants back at the end of the day just like my tiny room called me back on that time.

© 2015 by Wahid Adnan

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